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:: Volume 10, Issue 3 (9-2021) ::
Int J Med Invest 2021, 10(3): 128-134 Back to browse issues page
The Relationship Between Emotional Intelligence And Cognitive Behavior On The Treatment Of Depression And Anxiety In Adolescents
Roya Beydokhti *
Masters, General Psychology, Islamic Azad University Of Semnan, Semnan, Iran
Abstract:   (2342 Views)
Background: This study aimed at investigating the relationship between emotional intelligence and cognitive behavior on adolescents’ anxiety. Emotional intelligence includes the capacity of the individual to accept realities, flexibility, ability to solve emotional problems, and ability to cope with stress and impulses. 
Method: This study is descriptive and correlational. The statistical population of the study consisted of adolescents in Semnan city and cluster random sampling was used for sampling. So among the four high schools, 80 students were selected randomly. Then, three classes were randomly selected from the second grades of each high school and the Bar-N Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire and Adult Raven Test were performed by the Testable. Data collection tools were Bar-N emotional intelligence questionnaire and Raven’s progressive test. Data analysis was performed through descriptive statistics including frequency table and frequency percentage, and inferential statistics through Pearson correlation tests and multivariate regression.
Results: The findings of this study showed that in general, it can be said that based on the findings of this study, emotional intelligence has a significant relationship with anxiety in a reverse direction.
Conclusion: According to the final results of the study, the higher emotional intelligence caused the less stressful anxiety mode.
Keywords: Emotional Intelligence, Cognitive Behavior, Depression, Anxiety, Semnan Adolescents
Full-Text [PDF 140 kb]   (793 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Research | Subject: General
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Beydokhti R. The Relationship Between Emotional Intelligence And Cognitive Behavior On The Treatment Of Depression And Anxiety In Adolescents. Int J Med Invest 2021; 10 (3) :128-134
URL: http://intjmi.com/article-1-659-en.html

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Volume 10, Issue 3 (9-2021) Back to browse issues page
International Journal of Medical Investigation
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