year 18, Issue 71 (9-2019)                   J. Med. Plants 2019, 18(71): 85-98 | Back to browse issues page

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Eskandari M, Assadi M, Shirzadian S, Mehregan I. Ethnobotanical Study and Distribution of the Solanum Section Solanum Species (Solanaceae) in Iran. J. Med. Plants 2019; 18 (71) :85-98
1- Department of Biology, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
2- Research Institute of Forests and Rangelands, Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Tehran, Iran
3- Department of Botany, Iranian Research Institute of Plant Protection, Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Tehran, Iran
4- Department of Biology, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran ,
Abstract:   (5267 Views)
Background: Solanum section Solanum has been extensively used in traditional medicine in Iran for many ailment treatments. The plant contains some substances such as total alkaloid, steroid alkaloid, steroidal saponins and glycoprotein, exhibiting anti-tumor activity.
Objective: In this research, wild species of Solanum section Solanum has been studied in Iran in the field of ethnobotanical investigation such as interviews, questionnaires, scientific articles, authentic books and ancient documents in traditional medicine. The anthropological uses of the plant have also been taken into consideration.
Method: The wild species of these plants in Iran were studied using field and library methods. In the first method, to determine the distribution of Solanum and its related plants, numerous trips were carried out and many samples were collected. The anthropological use of these plants has been examined through interviews and questionnaires from 39 local people. In the second method, traditional Iranian books and published articles on the subject were also studied.  
Results: According to this survey, these plants are commonly used for food digestion and constipation in traditional as well as current local medicine. In addition, we identified 180 different growing locations in Iran to illustrate their distribution maps.
Conclusion: These plants are being used as fever-reducing agent, pain-reliever, softener, laxative, diarrhea, anticoagulant and anti-asthma. Some outstanding results are obtained in the treatments of analgesic and sedative, anemia, burns, carminative, constipation, cough, cut restoration, food digestion, infections, mouth disinfection, skin diseases, toothache etc.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Agriculture & Ethnobotany
Received: 2018/09/17 | Accepted: 2020/01/28 | Published: 2019/08/24

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